Since the entrance of sin, mankind has experienced an inner restlessness. Sin robbed mankind of the happy satisfied, fulfilled life he had before sin. Because of sin, we are destined to die (Romans 3:23) 1. Why was Paul unable to do what God commanded? Romans 7:14 The Bible says that Paul, like all of us, was carnal, sold under ___ . 2. Why do we find it so hard to willingly obey God and find deep, lasting satisfaction? Romans 8:6, 7 The Bible says that the carnal mind is ___ against God and is not ___ to the law of God. 3. What does God promise to do if we yield ourselves to Him? Ezekiel 36:26 The Bible says God will give us a ___ heart. Note This means that God will make us not only willing but able to live for Him. 4. How do we show that we really appreciate the change of heart that He gives us? Acts 3:19 The Bible says that we must ___ and be ___ that our sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing come from the presence of God. 5. How deep must our desire for change be? Matthew 5:6 The Bible says we must ___ and ___ after righteousness and we will be satisfied or filled. Note No half-hearted hypocritical decision will do. We must really want to be filled. 6. What happens when we are changed? Ephesians 3:19 The Bible says that we will know the love of Christ which passes knowledge, and that we may be filled with the ___ of God. 7. What is Jesus able to do for us? Ephesians 3:20 The Bible says that Jesus is able to do ___ ___ ___ that we are able to ___ or think. Note That is Jesus is able to keep us from failure in our walk with Him and He is able to present us faultless before His Father (Jude 24). Note We don’t have to wait to get better to get rid of our faults and bad habits before we come to Jesus. We are to come just as we are and He will take care of everything. Would you pray this simple prayer? Dear Jesus, thank you for letting me know how much you love me. I am sorry for my past sins. I ask for and accept your forgiveness and receive the assurance that you are able to present me, without fault, before your Father. Amen. Name Email Submit