Jesus is a Life-Changer. He touches people’s lives and a transformation takes place. People experience forgiveness, joy, happiness, and a new start. 1 How long does the Bible say Jesus existed? Micah 5:2 The Bible says that Jesus existed from of old, from ___ . Jesus is Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). 2 What dwells in Jesus? Colossians 2:9 The Bible says that in Jesus dwells all the ___ of the ___ bodily. Note Jesus has all the power that you need to accomplish all you ever want to accomplish. He has all power in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18). 3 Why did Jesus come to earth? Matthew 1:21 The Bible says Jesus came to earth to save people from their ___ . 4 How did Jesus pay the penalty for our sins? Romans 5:8 The Bible says while we were still sinners; Christ ___ for us. We were destined to eternal death and Jesus paid the price to rescue us from certain death. 5 By accepting Jesus and the sacrifice He made for us, what will we receive? John 1:12 The Bible says that as many as received Him, He gives ___ to become sons of God. The Bible also says that God has given us ___ and that life is in His Son (1 John 5:11-20). 6 How can you accept Jesus into your life? Revelation 3:20 The Bible says Jesus stands at the ___ and knocks if anyone opens the door, He will ___ . Note The door of your life is your mind or will. If you decide to let Jesus in; He will come in and take control of your life. He will become your Lord and Savior. Checkboxes a) I believe that Jesus is indeed the Son of God. ___ . b) I accept Jesus as my Savior from sin. ___ . c) I am ready to do whatever Jesus wants me to do. ___ . Name Email Submit