Since the entrance of sin, mankind has experienced an inner restlessness. Sin robbed mankind of the happy satisfied, fulfilled life he had before sin. Because of sin, we are destined to die (Romans 3:23). 1. How did Jesus say we can abide in His love? John 15:10 The Bible says that we can abide in Jesus’ love if we _________________. 2. What was in the heart of Jesus that made doing the will of God a delight? Psalm 40:8 The Bible says that it was God’s __________________ that was in Jesus’ heart. Note God’s law of Ten Commandments is found in Exodus 20:1-17. Please take some time to read it. Jesus summarized them in love for God and our fellow men. 3. What happens to us when we keep God’s law? Proverbs 29:18 The Bible says that he who keeps the law; _____________ is he. If happiness comes to the person who keeps the law, then why is it that some Christians think we shouldn’t keep it? Note Because of two misunderstandings: The Bible says that we are saved by ________________ through faith in Christ. 1 John 3:4 - The Bible says that sin is the transgression of the __________. Hence Jesus does not save us from keeping the law; but from the breaking of the law. The Bible says that one must not continue in sin so that grace may _________________. The person who is dead to sin does not continue to live in _____________. The Bible says that through faith in Jesus we ______________ the law. The Bible says that sin is the transgression of the __________. 4. What does the Bible say about the person who professes to know Christ and yet refuses to obey His commandments? 1 John 2:4 The Bible says that if anyone says he knows Jesus, but does not keep His _________________; he is a _______________ and the truth is not in him. 5. How will a born again person show his love for God? 1 John 5:1-3 The Bible says that a true Christian will believe that Jesus is the Christ and show his love for Him by keeping His _______. 6. Since we are saved by grace and not by the keeping of the law, how do we show our love for Jesus after we are saved? John 14:15 The Bible says that if we love Jesus, we are to _____________. Do you really love Jesus? ______________ 7. What will be the reward of those who keep the commandments of God to show their love for Jesus? Revelation 22:14 The Bible says that those who keep the commandments will have right to the Tree of _______________ and may enter through the gates into the ________________. Would you like this wonderful reward? Yes No Pray this simple prayer: Dear Jesus, I really love your Son, Jesus Christ. Would you give me the ability to keep all your commandments as a testimony to the genuineness of my love for Him and that I may ultimately enter into the Holy City at His Second Coming? Amen. Name Email Submit